Home staging can be an impactful, low cost way to help sell your home. We stage your home to make your it appeal to as many buyers as possible. It’s meant to help highlight all the awesome features of your home that you want buyers to notice. While there are professional companies that will stage your home for you, this is also something you can do yourself.

1. Sparkly Clean Even if your refrigerator isn’t the newest in-style color, having clean appliances, shiny bathroom tile, and freshly vacuumed floors goes a long way. Buyers will appreciate that you have taken good care of the house. This is so important when you stage your home since buyers will now focus on the features of your home not the fingerprints they notice on the refrigerator.

2. Get rid of clutter Having lots of toys scattered around the living room, a stack of bills on the counter, or a pile of shoes by the front door is perfectly fine and normal when you are living in your home. When you are selling your home, you have to change your perspective on this. Things like a countertop full of small appliances, closets bulging with blankets, or lots of furniture in a small room, gives buyers the impression that the home does not have storage space when in reality it does. Consider going through the pantry and closets and kids’ toys to clean out no longer needed items. Box up and clearly label items that you want but don’t frequently use and stack them neatly in a garage or basement.

3. Less is more If you have rooms with lots of furniture, consider taking away some unnecessary pieces. Yes, the sectional and recliners are perfect for watching movies in the living room, but, for selling, perhaps two recliners are all you need. You want the buyers to notice the space in the room and when you stage your home it may not always be the way you prefer to live in it.

4. Let the light in Open up curtains and blinds to let lots of light into rooms during showings. Make sure that all the light fixtures in your home have the same light bulbs and that they are all working. If you have a naturally darker space in your house, consider putting a table lamp in the area to brighten it up.

5. Appeal to the masses Many people will take a potential home off their list because they can’t see past paint colors. If you have brightly painted walls, then consider spending a weekend painting the room a more neutral color.

Are you ready to sell your home in Locust Grove after tackling some home improvement projects? Do you just need some suggestions to stage your home. If you are not sure what other easy fixes can be done to help your home sell, contact Sean Jones at 540-360-5166 for some suggestions specific to your home.