Home staging is an important part of selling your home in Locust Grove or elsewhere.  Did you know that eight two percent of buyers’ agents said that viewing a staged home made it easier for a buyer to visualize themselves in the property? (2021 Profile of Home Staging, NAR Research Group) Staging doesn’t just stop in the interior spaces of your home though; it can extend to your unfinished basement and garage too.  After all, buyers are interested in this space and it will be hard for them to visualize how they will use it if it is full of equipment to the point where a car won’t fit inside. Help buyers see all the potential that the garage in your home in Locust Grove has to offer by utilizing these tips.

Declutter…is anyone really surprised that I said this?

Now is the time to declutter the garage.   Go through the garage and determine what you want to pack up and move to your new home in Locust Grove, what you might leave with the house (Locust Grove Realtor® tip: make sure that whatever you are leaving is agreed upon in writing between yourself and the buyers), and what you can pass on to friends and family.  For example, that extra piece of plywood you kept just in case you needed it?  Pass it on to a friend.  The leftover paint from the recent repainting the living room.  Leave that for the new owners. The twelve different containers of bubbles…maybe its time to combine those and recycle the containers.


While no one expects a garage to be spotless, while you are decluttering take the time to knock the cobwebs out of the corner and sweep last fall leaves out of the garage.


A fresh coat of white paint on the walls can instantly take away years from the interior of a garage. If the floor of the garage is showing some wear, then you might consider painting it with a specialty floor paint.

Add lights 

Installing a bright light in the garage can ward away the darkness common in the garage.  Lights like these are functional and easy to install. Motion lights are also helpful.

Increase Space by Going Vertical 

Sometimes garages can give the illusion that there is no space in this home in Locust Grove because everything is leaning against the walls or on the floor.  Installing some shelving to hold tools, use pegboards for smaller items, or try one of these wall mounted tool holders to get back space in the garage that was formerly occupied by shovels.

Wash the door

Have you ever washed your garage door?  Probably not.  You will be surprised at how a quick scrub down can instantly increase the appeal of not only the door, but also the exterior of your home.

Leave the car out.

During showings, if a car is still at your home, keep it out of the garage.  It’s much easier for buyers to visualize the space if a car is not in the garage. While some people use the garage to store a car, others might use it as a work out space or workshop. They will be better able to appreciate the full space of the garage at your home in Locust Grove if the car is not there.

For more staging tips for all the rooms in your house:

Home Staging