Vacations as a kid were fantastic.  I remember just following along with my family.  My meals magically appeared.  My clothes were already packed.  All I had to do was have fun. (Thanks Mom!)  Vacations as an adult are a lot more work.  Aside from packing for yourself and the rest of your family, you also want to make sure that your home is ready for your absence.  Here are things you will want to do before you leave your home in Locust Grove for a trip.

Turn off the water

Whether you are planning on being gone for a long weekend or a couple weeks, it is always a great idea to turn off the water from the main valve.  This way you won’t have to worry about any surprise leaks from a pipe, washing machine, or dishwasher when you return to your home in Locust Grove. Did you know that most hot water heaters have a setting known as vacation mode? Labeled VAC on the thermometer, this mode lowers the hot water temperature so that it does not continue to cycle on while you are away from home.

Unplug appliances

Small appliances like toasters or charging cables can eat up energy even when they are not in use.  Before you head out, go around to each room and unplug the appliances to save some energy.  Plus if there is any kind of power surge at your home in Locust Grove while you are away your television, computer, and other electronics will be safe.

Adjust the temperature

No need to be cooling a home that no one is inside.  Turn up the thermostat a bit to save some money while you are on vacation. If you’ve got a thermostat that is connected to an app, then you can turn down the temperature just before get to your home in Locust Grove. If you aren’t good at remember to do this, then you can set a reminder on your phone.

Empty the refrigerator and trash cans

No one wants to come home to a rotten smell…especially since you turned up the thermostat.   Before you leave your home in Locust Grove, take a moment to go through the fridge and eat up any leftovers, share them with friends, or clear them out.  Don’t forget to collect the trash from all the cans and empty it too.

Have a quick and easy meal in the freezer

Coming back to your home in Locust Grove from vacation is usually tough.  Make it easier by having a meal in the freezer that just requires re-heating when you get home.  Spaghetti with meatballs is a quick meal that can be pulled together in less than twenty minutes when you use a jar of sauce and frozen meatballs. Here are two other ideas for easy pantry based meals.

Fresh Sheets

Nothing feels better than fresh sheets on a bed.  Before you go on vacation, change the sheets on your bed. After all the unpacking when you arrive to your home in Locust Grove, you will get to enjoy a restful night’s sleep on clean sheets.

Use a timer

To make it appear as if you are still home, install a timer, like these ones, to some of the lights in your home. Setting the timers gives the appearance that someone is home. Also, don’t forget to either put your mail on hold at the post office or ask a trusted neighbor or friend to collect it for you.

Wait to share the pictures

If you enjoy using social media to share pictures of your adventures, then wait until you return to do so.  Fun family vacation photos alert others to the fact that you are not home.