I work with many buyers who are interested in building their own homes on a property they purchase.   The foundational piece of going this route to homeownership is finding a piece of land that is suitable for the type of home that you want to build.  However, buyers don’t have to just guess and take a chance that the land will be appropriate for the home they want when writing an offer.  The stipulations in the contract along with a perc test can help buyers buying land in Virginia know that the property will work for them.

Understanding a land contract when buying land in Virginia

The contract that buyers and sellers agree to when purchasing land outlines the time that buyers have to further investigate the property to ensure that it is suitable for how they want to use it.  During this time frame, which can vary depending on what is agreed to in the contract, buyers can 

  • conduct a perc test
  •  complete soil studies
  • get further information about the utilities and costs associated with gaining access to them on the property
  • have a survey completed
  • Any other studies buyers deem necessary like making sure the home you selected with a builder will fit on the property with the required county set-backs

If the buyers find through these studies that the land is not suitable for the home, then the buyers can exit the contract assuming that they completed their studies within the designated time frame.  If the property is suitable for the home, then the buyers and sellers can continue with the contract for buying land in Virginia.

Do I need a perc test?

If the home you are building will require a septic system because it can’t connect to the public water and sewer system, then you will need to complete a perc test.  A perc test determines the type of septic system that is most suitable for the property as well as the size of the system.  The size of the system is usually referred to in relation to the number of bedrooms in a home for example a three bedroom perc.

What is a perc test? 

A perc test is completed by an AOSE certified technician hired by the buyers to evaluate the soil on a piece of property.  It is an analysis of the soil’s moisture absorption rate.  It determines how long it takes the soil to drain added moisture from the ground from events like rain showers, and will also look at the slope of the property and the type of soil on it.

What will the perc report tell me?

The report will tell the buyers how large the septic system for a home needs to be as well as provide you with a location on the property for the septic tank and drain field.  The report will identify the type of system that the property can support too.  A conventional system is the more commonly used system in single family homes.  If the property cannot support this system, then the report may suggest an alternative septic system.  These systems are more expensive because they are designed for each individual property and may need more maintenance than a conventional.  Because of this, many buyers shy away from purchasing land in Virginia that requires an alternative septic system.

What if the perc test shows the home I want to build won’t work on the property?

Because of the contingencies in the contract, buyers who discover that the land is not suitable for their intended purposes can exit the contract.

Are you interested in learning more about buying land in Virginia or would you like to receive new land listings as they become available? If so, then I’m here to help. Contract me when you are ready to get started!