A short drive down a country lane near Locust Grove, VA will undoubtedly yield in the discovery of a farm house.  While in recent years, the term “farm house” is used to describe a style, in house-speak a farm house is just that- a home on a farm.  Farm houses are found in rural areas.  They have porches and mudrooms for practically purposes; after a long day working in the fields or with the animals, boots and muddy clothes could be ditched before entering the rest of the home.  The front rooms of a farmhouse were more formal areas to welcome guests while the back part of the home contained the kitchen.  While the farmhouse design is simple, it is still beautiful.

Are you ready to start an adventure on a farm?  Or, perhaps, you are just searching for the feel of a farmhouse without the daily rooster wake up call.  If so, contact me to help start your search.