Selling a home is a big decision; there can be some anxiety and uncertainty in the process no matter how excited you are.  Many people ask “how long will it take to sell a home” or “how much is my home worth” when I meet with them.  By using specific local real estate market information, we can answer these questions and start the journey to your new home.  Here are some other helpful facts to know as a seller that can help to sell your home faster.

1. Clean and Clutter Free Homes Sell Faster Buyers need to be able to see themselves in the space. Papers laying on the counter, laundry baskets in the hall, shoes on the floor by the front door can be distracting and give the appearance of a house lacking storage space. We want buyers to focus on the layout of the home, the views, and rooms by cleaning up and storing away all the stuff.

2. Flexibility is important. Be prepared to leave your home in order for it to be shown to buyers. Your Realtor® will coordinate with you to schedule showings and a lot can be on the weekend or in evenings since most buyers work during the day. The more people who see your home, the more opportunities for offers there will be. Yes this can be inconvenient, but remember it’s also just temporary.

3. Staging a home might be different than how you live in it. Moving a bed, taking out a table, or angling a couch can help to highlight all the positive features of your home. While it might not be what you prefer, it may help to make your home more appealing to buyers.

4. Accurate pricing is vital to success. Homes are listed for sale based on current market information. Because markets are always changing, what your neighbors paid for their home three year ago, may not be what you can sell yours for now. Having a real estate agent who is knowledgeable about current market trends will help you get the best price.

5. Videos and photos make the first impression. Since most buyers start the search online, they will decide which homes to tour based on what they see in a picture. Having a clean, staged home makes for awesome pictures that will draw buyers to your property. Videos are also a great tool to use.

Still searching for more information about selling a home? Grab my free seller’s guide.