One of the most commonly recommended repair items on a home inspection list is the replacement of a GFCI outlet. These outlets, found near sinks, bathtubs, or showers, serve an important function in keeping people safe and are an easy fix on any home inspection list.

What is a GFCI outlet? GFCI outlets, or ground fault circuit interrupters, protect people from electrical shock. Found near places of potential moisture (the dishwasher, bathtub, laundry rooms), GFCI outlets are more sensitive and respond faster to changes in electrical current than the breakers in your fuse box. They cut the power to the outlet whenever a change in current is detected.
How do I tell if an outlet is a GFCI outlet? These outlets are easy to spot. They have two additional buttons on them- a button labeled test and one labeled reset.
Why are these GFCI outlets important? Most building codes since the 1970’s have required these outlets to be present in areas that are susceptible to water exposure. Their main purpose is to prevent electrical shock. They also contribute to the prevention of house fires. Because they are a needed safety item, home inspectors will look for and test the outlets.
How do I tell if the GFCI outlets work? To find out if the outlet is cutting off power simply press the test button and then plug in a small appliance to the outlet. It should not work. Then press the reset button and plug in the appliance again. It should function.
What if a home inspection finds that the outlets are not functioning? Whether you are buying the home or selling it, the good news is that GFCI outlets are a quick and easy fix. A new outlet costs around twenty dollars.
It’s always a good idea to check these GFCI outlets frequently to make sure they are functioning properly. Whether you are searching for a home for sale in Locust Grove, VA or happy where you are at, it’s important to have the safety features in your home functioning properly.