January 10th is National Cut Your Energy Costs Day!  While it’s not a holiday I’m super familiar with, I am all for keeping a couple extra dollars in my bank account.

A day meant to bring awareness to the public about energy consumption and encourage ways for us all to save a little, National Cut Your Energy Costs Day is a great reminder to reflect on how we are using energy in our homes and how to create habits that can save us some money. Whether you have a home in Locust Grove, Unionville, Spotsylvania, or Culpeper, here are home suggestions you can try to cut your energy costs.

  • Use a programmable thermostat. By keeping the heat a few degrees lower when no one is in the house and in the evenings while everyone is sleeping, it can save you can cut your energy costs. Plus, since it is programmable, you can set it and forget it.
  • Upgrade to energy efficient appliances. When you need a new washing machine or stove, check out the energy efficient ratings before making your decision. If the appliance is one you use frequently, you should see a difference in your bill.
  • Seal up your home. Lots of heat is lost around doors and windows in the winter. Cut your energy costs by adding weathering strips and caulk around areas where you can feel a draft.
  • Wash full loads of dishes and laundry. Wait until the dishwasher is full before running it. Have just a few dishes, go ahead and wash them by hand, but just don’t let the water run while you are scrubbing away last night’s dinner.
  • Turn off electronics when not using. Computers, tvs, and small appliances all use electricity even when they are not running. Cut your energy costs by making sure to unplug ones you aren’t using or add them to a surge protector power strip that you can easily turn off with the click of a button. There are even smart ones that will shut off the power to appliances that are not on.
  • Save water. Replace an old shower head with a water saving version can help you to cut your energy costs. We all love a nice warm shower or bath in the winter, but consider turning down the temperature of the water a few degrees.
  • Keep your freezer full. Food in freezers and refrigerators act like insulation helping to keep the inside cold. Ones that are emptier have to work hard to stay at temperature.
  • Turn off the lights. Make sure your lights have LED bulbs. Turn them off when you are not in the room. Have nightlights? They make LED versions of these as well. Outside of your home, consider switching out your lighting fixtures for motion detection ones.

Hopefully some of these ideas will get you thinking about how you can cut your energy costs and save money on your monthly heating, electric, and water bills. Even small changes can add up to savings over time.