While it’s my job as a Realtor® to make your home purchasing or selling experience as seamless as possible, did you know that there are a lot of other people behind the scenes that support the transaction? As first time home buyers in Locust Grove, Culpeper, or Spotsylvania, it’s important to know who all of these people are and how they contribute to the purchase of your home.

People Who Are Always Involved

Realtors® The people you have the most interactions with, the buyers and sellers agent help to coordinate the work of the behind the scenes individuals.

Home Inspector The home inspector examines the condition of the home and makes recommendations of repairs.

Pest Inspector The pest inspector looks for evidence of termites and other wood boring insects.

Mortgage Lender Your lender qualifies you for a mortgage and will keep you updated on your loans process.

Underwriters These are professionals who work for the mortgage company. They verify that you are qualified to receive a mortgage by taking a more detailed look at your finances.

Appraiser The appraiser is a third party person hired to evaluate the value of the home you want to purchase.

Title Company The title company is responsible for making sure that the property can be legally sold.

People Who May Be Involved

HOA If you are selling or purchasing a home within an HOA, then a representative of the HOA may go to the home to inspect the property for any violations. The HOA will also deliver a copy of the rules and covenants.

Septic Service If you have a septic system, then a representative from a septic company will be out to inspect the system.

Water Quality Testing Representative Homes with wells need to have their water quality tested as part of the home buying process.

Surveyor Some properties require a survey of the boundary lines to be completed in order for the property to be sold.