Selling or purchasing a home is a big deal. Your home is one of your most valuable assets, so it is important that you find a real estate agent that you can trust to help guide you through the home buying or selling process. As a real estate agent, I meet with lots of potential clients to explain the home buying or selling process and determine if we will make a great team. I always welcome interview questions because it gives me the opportunity to share my knowledge and highlight my skills as well as learn more about what my potential clients needs are.

Here are some interview questions to consider asking when you are meeting with agents:

  1. How long have you been a real estate agent? In real estate, experience counts. You are looking for an agent that has a proven track record of successfully selling or purchasing homes. Real estate agents that have been in business for a while have developed systems to handle day to day paperwork, have developed strong negotiation skills, and are able to make recommendations for other vendors that you may need (home inspectors, movers, ect) during the buying and selling process.
  2. What sets you apart? If you are considering more than one agent, don’t be afraid to ask the real estate agent what makes him or her unique. This interview question helps you learn about each agents’ unique perspective on real estate and how that can help you.
  3. Where are you based? Find out if your agent is local; they are usually more knowledgeable of the local real estate market and anything that makes it unique. They are nearby so they will be quicker to respond if you ever need any house related assistance. However, local doesn’t have to mean that the agent lives in your specific neighborhood. Chances are the buyer of your home isn’t going to be someone who already lives in your neighborhood, so don’t limit yourself.
  4. How will we communicate? Take a moment to reflect on your interactions with the Realtor® so far. When you called, did he answer the phone or call you back promptly? Or was it a few days before you received a response? Share with each agent how you will best communicate whether that is phone calls, texts, or emails. Everyone’s personal work schedule can impact their availability. When selling or buying a home, time is important. Prompt conversations between you and your agent are essential.
  5. What is your marketing strategy? This is one of the most important interview questions. Learn about the marketing tools each agent will use to promote your home. Since most buyers start shopping for a home online, it’s important your home is marketed online with great photographs.
  6. What is our home’s biggest challenge? Every home has a set of features that are appealing to buyers. Every home also has something that buyers may view as a challenge. It could be your home is located on a busy street, has a unique layout, or lacks a garage. An awesome real estate agent isn’t afraid to identify the challenges your home might have and offer suggestions for how to overcome those challenges.
  7. Can I have some references? A great real estate agent has developed a relationship with past clients. Realtors® should be able to share a few with you if you would like them.

Are you ready to start asking interview questions to Realtors® interested in selling your home? I would love to be on that list. Contact me at 540-360-5166 or below to schedule a time to talk about how I can help you.