When a buyer purchases a home that needs some tlc, usually one of the items on the list to replace is the flooring. There are so many varieties of flooring options that it can quickly become overwhelming while trying to decide. After all, whatever you select is going to be in your new home for quite some time. When I am out with clients touring homes for sale, two popular options we come across frequently are hardwood and laminate flooring. Let’s look at the pros and cons for each.

Hardwood flooring

Hardwood flooring is a timeless choice. Whether it is elaborate flooring in the Victorian era or a simple floor in a Craftsman style home, hardwood has been a popular selection for a long time.


  • Ability to select specifically what you like: If you install hardwoods, you can select the type of wood you want, the color of the stain, and the finish.
  • Can be refinished: Pull some 1970’s carpet up from an old ranch home and you might find some hardwood underneath. With some sanding and refinishing you can breathe life into an old floor.
  • Flooring Life: Hardwoods can last a lifetime. The finish on the top can last ten years, or longer, when properly cared for and can be redone multiple times as part of the floor’s maintenance.


  • Not for every room: Rooms that have more susceptible to water being on the floor, such as bathrooms, basements, or kitchens, are not the best places for hardwood. The water can seep into the floor and damage it.
  • Cost: Hardwoods are more expensive than laminate flooring.
  • Durability: The durability of the floor depends on the type of wood; some are softer and easier to scratch than others. If you have pets in high traffic areas of your home, hardwoods can be easily scratched.

Laminate flooring

Laminate flooring has come a long way since its invention. Planks with texture that mimic the look of hardwood flooring are available and can even be installed by a diy homeowner.


  • Waterproof or Water Resistant: There are lots of options available that offer water resistance or waterproof properties. This means that you can have the same continuous flooring throughout your living space.
  • Cost: Laminate flooring is less expensive than hardwoods.
  • Durability: Laminate flooring can offer more durability than hardwood floors. Every floor option can be different, so take home some samples and test them out to see how easily the sample scratches.


  • Not Easily Repaired: It is not easy to repair a damaged floor. If a board is scratched, it’s usually very difficult, if not impossible, to replace it with another.
  • Flooring life: Depending on the quality of flooring installed, laminate flooring can last between 10-20 years.
  • Feel: Although a lot of laminate flooring mimics hardwoods in appearance, you can definitely feel the difference between the two. Laminate has less texture and is lighter than hardwoods.

After looking at all the pros and cons for hardwood and laminate flooring, you may start to realize that there is not one correct answer for everyone. The choice of flooring all depends on you, your preferences, and lifestyle. But, no matter your choice, spending a bit of time researching your choice will certainly pay off in the long run.