If I have learned anything over the years from my own moving experiences and working as a Realtor®, it is that you will always underestimate the number of boxes you need.   You don’t realize how much stuff you have until you try to pack it all in boxes.  Learn from my experiences and use these tips for making moving from your Locust Grove home easier!

Plan to be out before closing

On closing day, you will sign paperwork that officially transfers the ownership of your home to the buyers.  This means that you can’t go back and continue packing because the buyers will likely be arriving with their own moving truck ready to enjoy their new home. You can begin packing up things that aren’t everyday items, like seasonal clothing or decorations, a month before closing.  While everyone’s personal schedule will dictate the exact move out day, planning to have your belongings boxed up and ready to go a week before closing day can help to relieve some last minute stress.  If you’ve got the big items (beds, dressers, closets) packed away and only have a few necessities out, it will make moving out of your Locust Grove home easier.

Create a box for personal items

If you are moving a long distance from your Locust Grove home, it may be beneficial to create a box of personal items like social security cards, car titles, and other valuables that you want to keep with you in your car instead of putting on a moving truck.  Include important paperwork in the box or anything else that you might immediately need when settling into your new home.

Make a last out first in box

This box will also travel with you in your car.  It will contain items that you would immediately like access to when arriving at your new home.  This box can include things like:

  • An extra set of clothing per person
  • Phone and computer chargers
  • A set of towels
  • Toothbrush, soap, shampoo, and other personal toiletries
  • A set of clean sheets for the bed
  • Toilet paper
  • Paper plates and utensils
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Medicine- prescription and over the counter
  • First Aid 

Set Up the Utilities 

Before you move out of your Locust Grove home, make sure to set up the utilities for your new home and transfer the utilities of your current one.  Have the contact information stored in your phone in case you can’t access the internet at your new home or have poor reception.  Remember to complete the change of address forms at the post office for your Locust Grove home, so that your mail can be forwarded to your new address.

Use dish towels as packing material

Instead of tossing all of your dish towels or towels into a box, you can use them as packing material to protect fragile items in boxes.

Pack Smartly

Use the inside of large dishes or small appliances to pack additional items.  For example, you can put some utensils or well wrapped glasses inside of a slow cooker or roaster.  Laundry baskets and hampers can hold odd shaped items that don’t easily fit in a box.

Label Boxes with Details

It may feel tedious, but labeling a box with not only what room it belongs in but also the general items in the box (i.e. kitchen: storage containers, cooking spoons, and toaster) can make it easier to find that one item you need when you haven’t unpacked everything yet.

Use the food in your home first

Rather than trying to coordinate moving food from a deep freezer to your new home, use up all the food you’ve got stored in your Locust Grove home before heading to the grocery store.  

Sandwich Bags for Storage

When furniture is taken apart, put all the nuts, bolts, and screws in a sandwich bag and tape it to that item.  Make sure to label the bag in case it falls off during the move.

Search Facebook for boxes

Ask on your community facebook pages if anyone has any boxes they are willing to sell.  Often people who have just moved into a Locust Grove home are eager to get rid of the boxes and packing material and it is less expensive than buying new boxes at a store.  You can also check with local grocery stores to see if they have any boxes.

Toothpick Hack

Tired of always searching for the end of the roll of tape.  Use a toothpick to mark where the end of the tape is.