The heat of summer is definitely blasting down on us in Locust Grove, VA! I’m not sure what is worse; the heat and humidity outside or the arrival of my electricity bill. With increases in the price of electricity, now is a perfect time to take a look around your home and see what you can do to help keep the heat outside and keep your home cool on the inside.

Block the sun

If you aren’t home during the day, close the curtains and blinds to keep your home cool! Preventing the sun from shining in your rooms prevents the heat from building inside. If you have rooms that really get blasted by the sun, then consider investing in black out curtains.

Seal your doors and windows

Look for cracks in caulking or gaps in doors and windows that let in the heat. Reseal these areas to prevent the heat from entering your home and to help keep your home cool.

Use fans

Fans can help keep you cool in the summer if they are moving in a counter clockwise direction. The fans will help push the cool a.c. air down towards you and not up away from you.


Not only does insulation help keep the warm air in during the winter, but in the summer it keeps the hot air out. Not all garages have the same level of insulation as the walls of your home. If you have a garage that shares walls with your living areas or you have a room above the garage, insulate the garage door. Doing this will help reduce the heat entering your house and will help keep your home cool.

Use the Grill

The added heat into the kitchen when using an oven in the summer is noticeable. Try cooking your meals outside on the grill.

Plant some shade

Without shade to shelter your home from sun, temperatures inside the home rise quickly. Add some trees and plants around your house. While not an immediate fix, you will benefit from the addition in a few years. Awnings are another way to provide share to a porch and your home.

Check your baffles

Two story homes often have baffles that help control where the air inside is flowing. During the summer forcing more air to the second story helps keep this area cooler for sleeping. Also consider closing the doors in guest rooms that aren’t used to direct cooler air to other areas of the house.

Searching for other home tips? Take a look at the blogs below: