Awesome photography is important when you are listing your home in Locust Grove or anywhere.  Why?  Almost all buyers begin their home search online.  They scroll through photos of homes and the pictures make them stop to investigate a listing further.  While professional photography can help make the room bright if the photographs are taken on a rainy day, you, as a homeowner, can do a few things to help get the most out of the professional photos for your home in Locust Grove.

Less is best

Before a photographer is scheduled to take pictures of your home in Locust Grove, go through each room and your house and clear off counters, bookcases, and tables.  You want the photographs to reflect the size of the room and not draw attention to your personal belongings.   Tuck away personal photographs, clear the magnets off of the refrigerator, put your shoes and coats in the closet, and tuck the toiletries under the sink.

Check your lighting

Photographers love light because it produces better pictures.  Make sure that all the lights in your home are in working order.  If you have a hallway or room that lacks natural light, consider switching the light build to a brighter light.  Clean any hanging light fixtures to make sure they are giving out as much light as possible. Your photographer can make the best decision of whether blinds should be open or closed during a photo shoot, but making sure all your lighting is working gives them more options.

Remove common distractions

Raise your hand if you’ve ever seen a pet in listing photos?  While it might be cute, it distracts from buyers looking at the room and could turn off buyers who do not have them.  Before your home in Locust Grove is photographed, make a plan for where the pets will be for the photo shoot.  Move cars out of the driveway, so your home is the star of exterior photos.  Make sure that the lids of toilets are down, trash cans are empty, shower curtains are closed, dishes are out of the sink, and electronics like tvs and computer screens are off.

Dust and Check Windows

Photographs can pick up dust on tables or countertops.  Right before the photographer arrives, give all these surfaces a quick dust.  Check your sliding glass doors and windows for fingerprints and smudges.  Give these a good cleaning.

Don’t forget the Closet

Do you have a large walk in closet?  This is a great feature of your home and one the photographer may want to capture.  Make sure the closets at your home in Locust Grove are picture ready.  You can use decorative baskets like these to stash away clothes, shoes, and accessories while making the space appear organized.  Make sure to get things off of the floor and that the hangers are all sitting evenly on the rack.

Taking a little time to prep your home in Locust Grove will help make your listing photos look amazing. As a local Realtor®, I love to sit with clients before the photo shoot and make suggestions to help show the your home in it’s best light (no pun intended). If you are ready to get your home on the market, feel free to contact me.