During the home inspection process, your home may be tested for the presence of radon. It can be alarming and scary if your home tests positive, but understanding what radon is and how to treat its presence can put your mind at ease as a seller or buyer.

What is radon?

Radon is a naturally occurring gas that is the result of metals like uranium, thorium, or radium breaking down in soil or water. As it forms, radon moves from the soil to the air above where it disperses. Homes built over land that releases radon act as a balloon trapping the gas inside. Radon enters homes through small cracks or other holes like openings for sump pumps. The radon then collects in the home since it is unable to be dispersed. The highest levels of radon are typically found in the lowest level of the house. High levels of radon can lead to serious health issues such as lung cancer, so it is definitely a concern if your home tests at a high level. In central Virginia, many counties are at risk for the presence of radon inside a home.

How is radon found in my home?

During a home inspection, the inspector may set up a test kit in the basement or lowest level of the house. You can also purchase a test kit to check the level in your home. The Virginia Department of Health offers kits September 1st through May 1st for three bucks! Order one here.

It is so important to follow the directions exactly as they are written in order to receive an accurate test result. I’ve seen some crazy results that resulted in a re-test because the testing instructions were not followed. The test kits are sent out, read, and then you receive the results in a few days.

What if my home has radon?

The EPA considers any test result great than 4pCi/l hazardous. Mitigation systems can be installed to remove the radon. The most common uses a vent pipe system with a fan to pull the radon from the house to the outside. If you have walked around your neighborhood and noticed a home with a long white pipe coming from the foundation up towards the roof, it’s probably a radon mitigation system. There are professionals who can install the systems for you. The cost for these systems are around 1,000 dollars, but the price varies depending the size and construction of your home. After the system is installed, your home will be tested again for radon to make sure everything is functioning properly.

My own home had radon in it. We used SWAT Environmental to install a system. American Radon Services of Virginia based in Fredericksburg, VA also offers services.