Searching for homes for sale around Locust Grove is exciting for many buyers. When you finally find the right one, sometimes the excitement turns to nervousness when it is time to write an offer for a house. It is a big deal! Understanding what an offer is and what is included in an offer for a house can help to calm the nerves.

What is an offer for a house?
An offer is a written document between the buyer and seller that sets the terms and conditions for the real estate transaction. There is a standard form that real estate agents in Virginia use and your Realtor® will help you structure the offer so you have the best chances of having it accepted. Buyers send the offer to the seller.
What is in the offer for a house?
The offer is dated and contains basic information about the seller and buyer like your name, phone number, and email. It has information about the home such as address, lot number (if it is in a subdivision), and if the home uses public water and sewage or has a septic. There is a section where the Realtor® can identify the type of heating in the home, appliances, light fixtures that come with the home.
The offer will list the price you are offering to purchase the home for as well as the type of financing. Are you paying cash? Getting a mortgage? The proposed closing date for the sale is also included in the offer.
What happens after offer is signed and delivered to the seller?
Once you have completed the offer with your real estate agent, it will be shared with the sellers. The sellers and their agent will review the offer and decide whether to accept it as is, make changes, or not accept the offer. From there, your Realtor will work to negotiate the best deal for you.
Having a communicative, knowledgeable Realtor® is important in order to write and negotiate a successful offer. Let my expertise and experience help you get your next home!