Have there been any changes from last month?

There are only two more months left in the year! I can’t believe it, can you? While we head toward the holiday season, traditionally the market sees a decrease in activity as people like to stay in their homes and wait to move until the spring. Let’s take a look to see if this seasonal shift is true this year.

Homes in Locust Grove for sale

October brought a little burst of activity on the market as there are seventy two homes in Locust Grove for sale. This is an increase from September’s sixty five homes on the market. The days on the market for these homes remains similar to the previous month with the average days on the market of eighty seven days. The average list price for homes in Locust Grove saw a decrease to $489,337. This could be due to a few waterfront homes in Lake of the Woods that sold.

Homes in Locust Grove Under Contract

There were fewer homes in Locust Grove under contract in October (twenty eight) when compared to September (thirty five). The days on the market for the homes saw a slight increase of seven days. The average sales price of homes in Locust Grove under contract is at $430,860.

Homes in Locust Grove that Sold in October

Twenty two homes in Locust Grove sold during the month. This is a decrease from September’s total of thirty five. The days on the market for these homes was twenty seven days. This is a decrease from September’s average of thirty two days. The average price for homes in Locust Grove was $374,470.

What does all this mean?

The housing market in Locust Grove continues to hold steady. There are new construction homes in our area being built along with pre-existing homes that are entering the market. The average days on the market for homes in Locust Grove also continues to hold around ninety days. While it may take a little longer to sell your home than it did a few years ago, there are still buyers out there.

When you are ready to start your own home journey, I’m here to help!