Let’s write your offer

 I’m sure you’ll have many questions. For example what should I offer? Should I offer less than the asking price but then risk rejection or the seller choosing a different offer. When markets are competitive sometimes it’s prudent to make an offer higher than the list price in order to win the home. This is where our home buying team really shines! I’ll will sit down with you and talk about all of our possibilities. My goal is to educate and advise so you can make the best decision given your unique circumstances.

Let’s put it together

Now that we know what our offer price will be it’s time for us to finish writing the offer by putting together all the documents needed based on your loan type, identifying dates for closing and inspections, determine items that convey with the home, and add any contingencies we need to include.

For example:

  • Contract offer price
  • Closing cost assistance amount
  • Loan product type: FHA, RD, VA etc
  • Closing (settlement) date
  • Time & dates for inspections
  • What we want the owner to leave
  • What we want the owner to take
  • …and so much more!

Contingencies are there for your protection and give you an opportunity to cancel the contract in the event an inspection reveals something catastrophic. I utilize my vast experience from 100’s of closed transactions to educate, guide, and protect your best interests. Once we have reviewed everything we sign and submit our complete contract with lender letter to the seller’s agent.

One of three things will happen:

  1. They fully accept our offer as is- WIN!
  2. Seller partially accepts offer with changes.
  3. They reject our offer without counter.

Of course you want the seller to accept your offer...it’s the home you fell in love with right? Once the contract has been signed by all buyers and sellers, you now have a ratified contract. Now it’s time for us to inspect all aspects of the home. This is where your buyer’s agent will be a crucial resource for you.