Have you ever heard of using a statue of St. Joseph to sell your home?  How about not opening an umbrella inside of a house?  Maybe you subscribe to the old Irish tradition of entering your new home through the same door you will leave or else be burdened with a lot of bad luck.  These, and many other home traditions, may or may not contribute to getting your home sold on their own.  But, understanding and applying the concept behind the tradition can!

St. Joseph

Home Tradition: The home tradition of burying a statue of St. Joseph upside down in hopes of having him aid in the sale of the house so that he can be unburied and turned right side up stems from Catholicism. Joseph is the patron saint of homes and families and over the years this concept has evolved to include real estate. Many discouraged homeowners whose homes have been on the market for a long time have attempted to bury a statue in hopes of selling their home.

Fact: There are many reasons why a home doesn’t immediately sell when listed. Sometimes it’s a unique floorplan, in an area with more days on the market per listing, or isn’t priced properly. An experienced, expert Realtor® will be able to price your home properly for the market you are in. He or she will be open to having frank conversations with you about any challenges your home has and will have a plan to overcome them. Not sure what to ask when looking to hire a real estate agent? Here are some interview questions for Realtors®

Blue Porch Ceiling

Home Tradition: Have you ever seen a porch in the south with a blue ceiling? Thought to keep evil spirits away from a home, many southerners painted their ceilings blue in a practice that can be traced back to the Gullah people. The blue represents water that the evil spirits couldn’t cross.

Fact: Everyone loves a welcoming porch when searching for a new home. The unexpected pop of color from the ceiling can help make an ordinary porch a little more interesting. Investing some time into these simple tips for increasing your home’s curb appeal can create a memorable first impression for buyers.

Broom in the Home

Home Tradition: There is an old superstition that you should leave your broom in the closet of your old home and not bring it to the new. Taking the broom with you to the new home also brings any accumulated bad luck with it.

Fact: A clean home is an appealing home. If you’ve moved out of your home while it’s on the market, then leaving a broom in a closet is really a great idea. After a bunch of showings it is inevitable that some dirt, leaves, bits of grass will be tracked into the house. A quick sweep will quickly erase that evidence. Having a clean, clutter free home really does help buyers more easily picture themselves, and their stuff, in the home.


Home Tradition: There are many cultures that prompt smudging a home as a way to cleanse it of negative energy and promote a positive mood. With some sage and an open window, you can rid a home of negative or stale energy.

Fact: A fresh clean smell is welcoming to any buyer. Lots of times, we get used to the smells in our homes. Pets, children, or cooking can add some fragrances into the air that not everyone finds pleasant. Having carpets professionally cleaned, painting walls, and washing curtains can all help rid your home of odors.

Feng Shui

Home Tradition: The ancient Chinese practice of arranging items in your home to find harmony with the spiritual world, feng shui became a popular idea when it entered the design realm. Furniture placement in relation to doors or windows, colors on the wall, and incorporating natural elements are all part of the practice. Although there are many rules and intricacies in the concept, there are many practical applications too.

Fact: Many concepts from feng shui are useful when staging a home for sale; making sure a room is not over crowded with furniture and has a natural flow are important to helping the buyer picture their own items in the house. Keeping the space clutter free highlights that there is ample storage space in the home.

Whether your home is for sale in Wilderness Shores in Locust Grove, off a gravel road in Spotsylvania, next to the water on Lake Anna, or elsewhere, these home traditions are fun and partaking in them won’t hurt your home selling process; it could even help!